Friday, March 18, 2011

Jeanne’s Plea for Officers!

I am very happy to say that we have had several members volunteer for many positions. We have five positions that still need to be filled to complete AREA’s slate of officers. Please take your turn.

All members have engaged in teaching and organizing plans. Working in an office or committee is a lot easier. Basically, the person in any position sets up their own methods. There are a few requirements from IRTA but nothing life threatening.

President Elect
Assistant recording secretary
Associate membership

I need to hear from you before the meeting next Thursday, March 24, 2011 at Chops Steak and Seafood 6421 Jefferson Blvd. Fort Wayne, IN

If you have not sent your reservation for the luncheon, please send immediately: Mary Jo Purvis 493-4263 or

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Plea For Officers

Dear Members,

AREA needs your help! Our next meeting is March 24, 2011 at Chops Steak Seafood at 6421 Jefferson Blvd. Fort Wayne, IN at 11:00. Please send your reservations to or call 493-4263. MaryJo will need these by March 16, 2011 in order to confirm the reservations for the restaurant.

I am going to propose to the members attending we take ½ of the meal cost ($6.00) out of our treasury for the last meeting of the year June 1, 2011. This proposal will need a motion, vote and second. The members approval of the motion will encourage members to attend the meeting at Lutheran Life Villages at a bargain price. By attending the meeting, members will vote on the slate of officers. Please come and help make the decisions.

One of the purposes of the March 24 meeting is to present and approve the slate of officer. I know all retired educators have succeeded in teaching children. You were their leader! I know any one of the members in AREA is capable of accepting any office or committee position in AREA. In addition, many retired educators are involved in more organizations, continue to work, travel, and enjoy family and the list goes on but AREA needs your help! It is time for you to say yes, I will help AREA. The purpose of AREA is to provide fellowship, volunteer for others, work with legislators to acquire a COLA or one time check and to work for more benefits for retired educators. Please realize that all retired educators are in the same boat. In taking the first step to accept an office or chair a committee, you will learn a great deal about Indiana Retired Teachers Association. As your President, I have acquired more knowledge about the legislative process and politics than I ever knew in the past. Remember the saying, “You are never to old to learn” -- it holds true with positions for AREA. I have met many great-retired educators.

I know I have harped on the election of officers many times but I need to fill the slate of officers to be voted on at the June 1 meeting. I am not able to call each one of you personally to ask if you would take a position. The positions that I have not filled at this point are as follows:

President Elect
Assistant recording secretary
Associate membership
Volunteer hour’s chairperson

Descriptions of the positions are in the back of your 2010-2011 directories. If you have questions, you can always call Jeanne at 657-5622 or email

The intent of this blog is not to be a threat but a reality that I do not know what will happen to AREA if no one volunteers for the President position. Since Marion County broke their association into smaller chapters, Allen County is the largest group of retired educators in Indiana. If our group is not involved in IRTA, what will this tell leaders of IRTA and legislators? Please accept a position in AREA and attend both meetings.

Jeanne Hertig, President of AREA