Friday, August 1, 2014

President's Letter, July/August 2014

Dear Allen County Retired Educators:

The first of our four yearly meetings will be

10900 Pine Mills Road
11:00 A.M.

Directions: Turn North off Dupont Road at the stoplight where McComb's Funeral Home and MacDonald's are to the South. Follow the street back to the Clubhouse on the right.

Please make reservations with Mary Jo Purvis, one week prior to each meeting. If you have DIETARY NEEDS, please work with the table servers to modify your menu within our allowed price. Each meal will cost $15.00, payable at the meeting. (This cost increase was necessary in order to get good meals at nice places.) HOWEVER, this luncheon will be FREE to 2014 RETIREES. MEMBERS who bring any other former retired teacher, non-member, will get a TWO-FOR-ONE DEAL. You will have three meal choices.

  • PROTECT YOUR IDENTITY AND AVOID SCAMS, information presented by Jeremy Tinkel, Public Information Officer, Allen County Sheriff's Department
  • Our annual Necrology Service
  • Updating By-Laws


Mark your calendars for 11:00 A.M.:

Monday, October 20, 2014 -- Coyote Creek Golf Club, 4935 Hillegas Road.

Thursday, April 16, 2015 -- Ziano's, 10520 Maysville Road, Chapel Ridge.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015 -- Catablu Grille, 6372 West Jefferson Blvd.



All members receive a Directory. Pick yours up at the October meeting, or have it mailed to you by adding $2 to the membership dues of $10.00. Include Name, Phone, Address and Email. Please note if there is any information change. Make checks payable to AREA. Pay at the meeting or mail to Pam George.
