Thursday, February 23, 2017

Volunteer Opportunity

We received the following from the Indiana Commission for Higher Education...
Good afternoon,

As you may have heard, the Indiana Commission for Higher Education is offering a new scholarship this year to aspiring teachers, the Next Generation Hoosier Educators Scholarship. The scholarship provides up to $7,500 annually to high-achieving students who agree to teach in Indiana for five years upon graduating. The Commission received over 640 applications for the 2017-18 academic year, with applicants from 84 of Indiana’s 92 counties representing 273 high schools.

In order to select the final 200 recipients, the Commission will interview over 400 finalists at eight regional locations over three weekends in March. 74 finalists from the Commission’s Northeast Outreach Region (this map shows which counties the region encompasses) have been invited to interview at Columbia City High School in Columbia City, Indiana on Saturday March 18, 2017.

Current educators, administrators and community leaders have volunteered to serve as interviewers. Many of you may have already volunteered, but the Commission can still use more volunteers! Additionally, current educators are eligible to receive one Professional Growth Point for each hour they participate in the interview.

To volunteer for the Northeast Region Interview Day, please click on this link to volunteer. If you have previously indicated an interest in volunteering, you will need to go to the link and confirm.

Please share this with other community leaders in your network to let them know about this opportunity to select students from your area for this prestigious award. Questions regarding the interviews may be directed to Liz Walker (


Zach Smith

Policy Analyst
Indiana Commission for Higher Education
101 W. Ohio Street, Suite 300
Indianapolis, IN 46204
(317) 232-1069


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